Why I Love The Yorba Linda Public Library
Some photos of the Yorba Linda Public Library.
June 1, 2023
As a high school student, I sometimes struggle to focus on my work when I am at home. The temptation of my extremely comfortable bed and constantly buzzing phone is a constant distraction. However, in the last few months, my frequent trips to the Yorba Linda Public Library have immensely improved my daily homework routines. I highly recommend attending the library for many reasons, as it has helped me so much.
To start, I have learned that while at the Yorba Linda Public Library, I feel much more obligated to be productive and finish my work before I go home. This is due to the quiet environment found there inside. Additionally, I understand when at the library what my ‘mission’ is (completing all my work), so I tend to remain more on task. The charming, modern interior is also motivational when doing your work.
Another significant aspect of going to the library is that it’s a very trendy study spot. When at the library, chances are you will likely see one of your friends there, whether they are from your school or not. This was especially helpful during finals week (specifically for my chemistry final!) as if I needed help in a particular subject, I could easily find a friend to help me out.
Taylor Ditmar (10) shared that “studying at the library is so enjoyable because of the certain placebo effect of being there. When [she is] at the library [she feels] as if [she] should be productive solely based upon the fact that [she is] surrounded by individuals driven to succeed.” This has also helped her get all her work done, which gives her the rest of her evenings after school to relax or practice volleyball.
Not only does the library provide a motivational atmosphere for schoolwork, but it is also a great motivation to start reading. I have never been an avid reader; however, since I have started attending the library more often, being constantly surrounded by walls of books, I have become more and more interested. In the last month, I have read three books outside of school and even gotten a library card.
Overall, I recommend attending the Yorba Linda Public Library if you want to be more productive each day. This productivity could be finishing your homework, socializing without the need for technology, or reading a new book.