Spotlight: Stephanie Mao and Julian Lisboa


Our senior presidents, Stephanie Mao and Julian Lisboa.

Giana Mejia, Photojournalist

Next year’s ASB elections have been concluded, Mustangs! This means we have elected our new ASB officers for next year, but we should still honor our current ASB Presidents. Our ASB class president is Stephanie Mao (12) and the senior class president is Julian Lisboa (12). Both have been members of ASB since their sophomore year. They are heavily dedicated to making our campus a great place and you probably have seen them around school. Let’s take some time to appreciate all the hard work they have done for us and get to know them.

Stephanie Mao, our class president, has no specific role, but she overlooks all the classes and creates a bridge between the administration and students. She is a wonderful leader who enjoys her job, but it is definitely not so easy. Her natural likable personality has made her an easy person to talk to when there are any problems. In her ASB class, she has made connections with everyone and tries to get to know everyone better. Although when asked about what her biggest accomplishment in the class was, she could not pinpoint one specific moment. She says, “I am just proud of the leaders we have become. The growth has been amazing.” In the last months of her senior year, she looks forward to making more memories with everyone and finishing the year strong.

Julian Lisboa, senior class president, was responsible for planning the homecoming and is in charge of the senior activities; he has a wide range of responsibilities and enjoys a lot of the freedom he has to work with. He expressed, “It is great to see our work be put out there. The ASB classroom can be messy, so seeing it all on the walls is satisfying.” In previous years, he worked in student appreciation, which had some more restrictions than his current position. He believes his biggest accomplishment could be graduation. He is looking forward to being able to plan the senior events as the school year is coming to a close.

Although students may complain about ASB events or activities, we must keep in mind they are still students. Not only do our ASB officers spend hours working, but so does the whole class. During homecoming season, posters could take up to 24 hours, and many hours were put into just the planning. A lot of this was facilitated by our wonderful ASB Presidents and completed by the ASB class as a whole. The ASB class could be described as a family, although they may not always get along, there are no hard feelings and they stick by one another. Some advice our president Stephanie Mao left with us was, “You have to work things out and take the time.” Then, Julian Lisboa added, “Don’t just give up, try different solutions.” As the year is coming to an end, let’s appreciate our senior ASB presidents for their time and dedication at this school.