The Girl Scout Cookies are Back, with 3 New Additions!

Evelyn Chan, Photojournalist

What's your favorite Girl Scout cookie?

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You’ve seen them in front of grocery stores, you’ve seen them all around school, you’ve probably had some in your hand at one point in the past few weeks – that’s right, I’m talking about those beloved Girl Scout Cookies! Samoas, Thin Mints, and Lemonades are just some of the usual favorites; however, did you know about the 3 new additions?

First off, we have Rah-Rah Raisins joining the usual line-up. Just as its name implies, this oatmeal raisin cookie is perfect for a healthy snack, complete with Greek yogurt-flavored chunks.

Next up is the one of the first gluten-free cookies to be available nationwide from the Girl Scouts, Toffee-tastic! These cookies are described as “rich, buttery cookies packed with golden toffee bits bursting with flavor.”

Finally, offered in a plastic package different from the usual boxed look is another gluten-free option – Trios. The three main ingredients, as suggested by the name, are peanut butter, chocolate chips, and whole grain oats.

Remember Mustangs, never feel guilty about buying boxes upon boxes of Girl Scout Cookies, after all, they’re delicious AND they help out the local Girl Scouts! When asked what Girl Scouts means to her, Rachael Ehlen (12) said, “Girl Scouts has always been what kept my friends together, especially since we ended up going to 4 different high schools. Our meetings are often the only time we all get to see each other, and we catch up with each other while we work on our service projects and plan our end-of-Girl Scouts-trip.” As for the Cookies themselves, she says, “selling cookies, also, has taught us a lot about business, mostly through learning how to work together and still be rivals. We may be trying to sell to the same customers, but we trade cookies so we all have what people want to buy.”

So really, it’s just a win-win situation getting to enjoy delicious cookies while helping out the Girl Scout troops! If you don’t remember the names of the different cookies or want to try a new cookie, feel free to scroll through the slide show of cookies, their names and descriptions are all listed. Enjoy the Girl Scout Cookies Season, it won’t be around for much longer!