Golf Season Recap

The varsity golf team smiles for a photo after a successful match.

Dennis Riggs (Staff)

The varsity golf team smiles for a photo after a successful match.

Fiona Salisbury, Photojournalist

As the fall sports season comes to a conclusion, the girl’s golf team at Yorba Linda High School has had another successful season. After the previous unusual sports year  due to the pandemic, this year’s golf season had once again returned to its usual timing. Since summer break, the girls on the golf team have been practicing hard to ensure that they have the best possible season.

This year, out of all of the matches that the golf team has played, they have won the majority of their matches. This has earned the team second place in the Crestview League, making this season an overall  successful one. In addition to doing well in league, two members of the golf team performed very well at League Finals. Ashley Tsai (10)  placed fourth place in League, and Natalie Neal (11) earned first place in League Finals, making her the MVP of the Crestview League for the third year in a row. These two players advanced to CIF Individuals. The golf team also played at team CIF.

The YLHS girl’s junior varsity team also had a very successful team. Just like the varsity team, the junior varsity team also won the majority of their matches. Overall, they placed first in their league.

According to Mylie Brown (9) on the varsity team her favorite part of being on the golf team “has been the friendships that [she] has made whether they were on our team or the opposing team. Also our team was well-bonded this year, and we all just had so much fun being together.” This year both the varsity and junior varsity golf teams shared a strong team bond, and this resulted in a memorable season for all players.

All players on the golf team were able to develop their skills and improve their abilities as golfers. Mylie Brown (9) stated that “this season [she improved her score] by over ten strokes from the start of the season.” She was not the only player who made significant progress since the majority of the players on the golf team were also able to improve in their golf game.

In conclusion, this golf season was very successful. Players were able to succeed in their matches, improve in their abilities, and develop meaningful friendships with their teammates. As said by Mylie Brown (9), being on the golf team has allowed her to do her “favorite thing with [her] favorite people all the time.”