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The Wrangler

Transforming Trash to Treasure: The benefits of Thrifting

Mylie Brown
Here is a Ralph Lauren quarter zip-up I found when thrifting!

Many would agree that retail therapy is one of the most fun yet expensive ways to all

eviate your mind of stress. After all, Marylin Monroe herself once said that , “Happiness is not in money, but in shopping.” However, retail therapy is not always the most practical strategy to rid yourself of negative emotions. Although addicting, the combination of over-shopping and partaking in fast-fashion trends causes more harm than one may at first think. Whether it be a suffering bank account or overflowing landfills, there are many negative effects caused by the retail industry. But, shopaholics do not necessarily need to give up their consumer-tendencies in order to correct these issues. In fact, there is an alternative practice that is currently regaining popularity – especially among teens and young adults – that does not contribute to the negative effects of the shopping world: thrifting. 

Thrifting and shopping second-hand offers many benefits to consumers – and I would argue that it’s a good addiction to have. To start, when exploring thrift stores, one is introduced to an adventure of searching for their own treasure in a shop full of others’ trash. It offers an opportunity for shoppers to bring a new

life to used clothing items, which has a much better impact on the environment than one may at first think. The fashion-industry currently serves as one of the globe’s most impactful polluters. Whether it be through increased greenhouse gas emissions from shipping and goods’ production or unnecessary waste being added to landfills, retail commerce is playing a huge role in hurting our environment. However, anyone can help correct this growing issue by shopping second-hand and reusing old clothing items.

Additionally, thrifting directly benefits thrifters themselves. Oftentimes, clothing at the thrift store ranges from 2-15 dollars. If you search closely enough, the possibilities of what you can find are endless! For example, recently when I myself was thrifting, I found a Ralph Lauren sweater for merely twelve dollars. Although it was not necessarily a shopping piece I was looking for, I was overjoyed to find what felt like a diamond in the rough and it made my day so much more exciting and happy. Moreover, I have always needed a good pair of heels for school dances, yet I am never willing to pay 60 dollars for shoes I only need for formal occasions – which are rare. But luckily at the thrift store Savers I found two pairs of cute heels for nine dollars each! Thrifting has saved me lots of money already and I have only visited a thrift store actively searching for clothes three times ever! My good friends Ethan Lee (11) and Aaron Lin (11) both love thrifting together and introduced me to doing it as well. Ethan shared that “thrifting is a great way to spend an hour that you would otherwise be bored doing something productive and fun for a low price.”

Thrifting is a great way to spend an hour that you would otherwise be bored doing something productive and fun for a low price.

— Ethan Lee (11)

To conclude, it is undeniable that shopping is an addiction almost impossible not to love, yet it is a love that can be so painful to have at times. However, shopping is redefined and an entire new world is introduced to consumers through the experience of thrifting and shopping second-hand. Not only is thrifting much more budget friendly, but it offers both the thrill of getting out of the house to make use of timeless pieces but is also an eco-friendly option to the retail industry. Overall, if you find yourself needing a solid day of straight retail therapy, you might want to consider heading to your local thrift store and seeing what hidden gems you can find in the many unmatched aisles of a thrift store!

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Mylie Brown
Mylie Brown, Photojournalist
Mylie Brown is a junior here at YLHS who is eager to begin her second year as a photojournalist for The Wrangler. She loves keeping herself involved as she is a part of many different activities on campus. Mylie is currently the Junior Class President, and her favorite subjects are English and History. In her free time, you can find her reading, spending time with her friends and family, or listening to music. She is so excited for her final two years at YLHS and hopes to make this the most memorable year yet!

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