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The #1 student news site of Yorba Linda High School

The Wrangler

The #1 student news site of Yorba Linda High School

The Wrangler

Student Spotlight: Casey Cho

Casey Cho
A photo of Casey Cho sporting her NYU gear as she moves on to become a Violet!

Here at YLHS, it is undeniable that we have amazing students of all kinds. Our disciplined athletics, passionate ASB leadership, and phenomenal academic statistics are just some of the many different categories our mustangs demonstrate excellence in. However, Casey Cho (11) has not only proven her work ethic in just one of these mentioned categories, but all three! As the 2024-25 ASB Executive Treasurer, and a New York University commit to play Division Three volleyball, Casey is a prime example of dedication and drive found among our mustangs

One of Casey’s greatest passions throughout her high school career has been volleyball. Casey plays for our YLHS Women’s volleyball team and has been on varsity since her sophomore year. Casey shared that she has “played club volleyball since [she] was 10 and [she has] played competitively for about 6 years.” Casey has committed to playing Division three volleyball at New York University to represent the class of 2029! Although it can be scary moving all the way across the country, Casey explained her feelings about the move by saying that: “I feel really excited to move to New York because I know that this is an amazing opportunity that I’m super grateful for. I’m just really excited that I get to continue to play volleyball after high school, meet new people from across the country, and live in a super fun city!” Without a doubt, Casey is sure to be fine so far away from YLHS due to her friendly personality and independent attitude.

Another program Casey is heavily involved in here on campus is ASB. Casey has also been on ASB since her freshman year and since then she has risen into a more hands-on role in the class. In the last three years, Casey has served as one of the three Class of 2025’s Freshman Representatives, Sophomore Class Secretary/Treasurer, and Junior Class Secretary/Treasurer. Next year, Casey will serve on ASB’s executive board as the ASB Treasurer, a coveted and honorable position that manages all of the Associated Student Bodies budget and also leads the ASB class with the rest of the Executive Board. Casey shared that, “since my freshman year in ASB I knew that I wanted to run for either Executive Secretary or Treasurer so each year I decided to run for class secretary/treasurer. But, after my many years in ASB, I grew extremely close to our school’s finance clerk, Mrs. Hayashi. So when the ASB executive elections came by I knew that I wanted to continue to work closely with her in the finance office and do what I know best!” Casey adores the ASB class, which is what has driven her to want to be so involved. Casey’s “favorite part about ASB is the people!” and she loves “working with people from all the different classes and getting to plan and run our school’s most important events with all of them.”

Since my freshman year in ASB I knew that I wanted to run for either Executive Secretary or Treasurer so each year I decided to run for class secretary/treasurer. But, after my many years in ASB, I grew extremely close to our school’s finance clerk, Mrs. Hayashi. So, when the ASB executive elections came by I knew that I wanted to continue to work closely with her in the finance office and do what I know best!

— Casey Cho (11)

Finally, not only is Casey an extremely spirited student athlete, but she is also extremely dedicated to her rigorous classes. Since her freshman year, Casey has always prioritized her schoolwork and strived to get As throughout her high school career. When asked about her favorite class, Casey shared that her favorite academic class (as her favorite class in general is ASB) would be AP Environmental Science. She stated that “it was definitely the most fun science class I’ve taken with a lot of interesting lessons and an awesome teacher (Mrs. Pilkenton!)”. Going into her senior year, Casey plans on continuing to value her grades and schoolwork as well as “make a ton of new memories and experience all the senior events that our school has like senior sunset and Disney day!” Overall, Casey Cho is a prime example of what it means to be a Yorba Linda Mustang and not only run with the stampede, but lead the stampede. Her dedication in all aspects of her life – whether that be volleyball, ASB, or her school work – is shown through the amount of time and effort she puts into practicing her athletic abilities, painting posters in the ASB room after school, and spending hours at Starbucks preparing for her exams. Casey knows that her desired results come from hard work, and working hard is exactly what she does. We are so excited to see the amazing things Casey accomplishes in her future once she has moved on from YLHS and onto NYU!

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About the Contributors
Mylie Brown
Mylie Brown, Photojournalist
Mylie Brown is a junior here at YLHS who is eager to begin her second year as a photojournalist for The Wrangler. She loves keeping herself involved as she is a part of many different activities on campus. Mylie is currently the Junior Class President, and her favorite subjects are English and History. In her free time, you can find her reading, spending time with her friends and family, or listening to music. She is so excited for her final two years at YLHS and hopes to make this the most memorable year yet!
Casey Cho
Casey Cho, Photojournalist
Casey Cho is in her Junior Year here at YLHS. This will be Casey’s first year as a writer for The Wrangler. She is the current Junior Secretary/Treasurer and a part of the YLHS Women's Volleyball team. Outside of school, Casey enjoys listening to music, spending time with friends, and watching Netflix shows. In the future, Casey aspires to be a student at UCLA and pursue a career in medicine. Casey is eager to write for The Wrangler and cannot wait to see what this next year has in store!

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