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The #1 student news site of Yorba Linda High School

The Wrangler

The #1 student news site of Yorba Linda High School

The Wrangler

The Illness is Back: Senioritis

The age-old disease has made its way back to YLHS. Senioritis is growing to a stronger variant than ever.
Century Cyber Charter
The age-old disease has made its way back to YLHS. Senioritis is growing to a stronger variant than ever.

The countdown to graduation has started, and the yearly epidemic that has been plaguing the halls of high schools time and time again is back. Senioritis, the inevitable disease that every senior get, has started spreading. As the month of April comes to a close, graduation is right around the corner, causing the epidemic of Senioritis to be worse than ever at Yorba Linda High School. Many seniors have been facing a lack of motivation to participate in classes and a lack of enthusiasm to attend school. But what causes this yearly illness, and more importantly, is there a way to prevent it? “The debate on if Senioritis is real or not… is definitely always talked about. The excitement about graduation and all the festivities following around it makes Senioritis very real! We are all just one step away from graduation with our friends and do not feel like doing that much school work,” says Falak Khan (12).


“The debate on if senioritis is real or not… is definitely always talked about. The excitement about graduation and all the festivities following around it makes senioritis very real! We are all just one step away to graduation with our friends and do not feel like doing that much school work.”

— Falak Khan (12).

Senioritis often sets in around the last semester of a student’s high school or college career. Symptoms come as follows: procrastination, increase in absences, dismissiveness towards schoolwork, and feeling burnt out. Many of these symptoms are the result of four entire years filled with continuous stress and escalating pressure to perform. Four years of constantly being overwhelmed by tests, mass amounts of homework, and exhaustion from lack of sleep. While many people joke about Senioritis, nobody talks about how it can truly affect a student’s final semester of grades.


So, how can someone combat Senioritis? How can someone start caring again about something they are so exhausted over? Setting realistic goals and maintaining a regular schedule filled with social activities and relaxation is a great way to do this. Pacing yourself through activities you enjoy and acknowledging that you don’t have to work as hard, as usual, is one of the best ways to stay on track. In addition, parents play a key role in combating this. Parents who continue to help their children stay on track by acknowledging their children’s achievements can heavily encourage them to stay on course throughout the remainder of the semester.


While Senioritis may seem like the rite of passage for any and all seniors, its effects can be dampened by encouragement from teachers, parents, and even other students. The year will be over in less than a month, so finish those classes strong, especially the ones that are graduation requirements!

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About the Contributor
Emma Safari
Emma Safari, Photojournalist
As a senior in the class of 2024, this is Emma Safari’s third year in The Wrangler. In addition to being a writer, Emma also plays softball and swims. Emma enjoys going to the beach during her free time, having bonfires with her friends, late-night drives, and eating ice cream. In the future, Emma sees herself studying mechanical engineering in hopes of working on Formula 1 cars. Emma is excited to see what the upcoming school year has to offer!

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