Is “Big Mouth”‘s Big Mouth Their Only Success Point?


This is a picture of the screen for Big Mouth and the school the children attend.

Malieka Khan, Section Editor

Netflix, one of the most widespread streaming platforms, has become a major part of people’s daily routine. This growth throughout the years has also allowed for a growth in profit and budget in which Netflix has decided to input into their newest, original movies and shows. 

One of their most prominent shows to date has been the majorly infamous show “Big Mouth,” which has released itself for a third season as of earlier this fall. The speculation on whether or not this show should even be produced from the first season has died down, if not completely disappeared. However, is this to the show’s benefit or disservice? 

Without the buzz from the face value issues that season one acquired, is the show actually quality enough to support its audience on its own, or is it all based off drama and its scandals surrounding it? In the end, many people believe that the show is still the same as it has always been, but it’s starting to lose its charm. 

This loss of charm could be attributed to its loss of interest and buzz. When a show loses its dramatic appeal it also loses its feeling of rebellion and mischief that keep much of its audience coming back. The target demographic of preteens to teenagers are heavily intrigued by the idea of rebellion and almost a “cult following” to be a part of. This cult following is heavily influenced by the drama that comes along with shows such as “Big Mouth,” due to its negative societal look. This look comes from the raunchy, inappropriate topics and dialogue of the show that centers itself on uncensored middle schoolers that most adults do not wish they children watch. So when that is taken away by the lack of drama to take sides on, such as teenagers and parents in this case, then the audience itself also is taken away. 

Though the audience may be diminished by the lack of drama revolving around the show, the quality has not seemed to take that hit. Still, the charm around the show has been somewhat affected. Many believe that the show has gone past the idea of being bazaar and uncensored and is now rather simply about shock value and doing the most vulgar things imaginable. 

Though the subject matters, teenagers, do do the most vulgar things in reality, the first season had executed that premise quite well in drawing the line between cringworthingly realistic, humorous, and uncomfortable actions amongst middle schoolers. In season three, some say it seems as though the show would rather make the overthetop and inappropriate joke than emphasize the embarrassment throughout the situation itself. 

As Ashely Payne (12) has believed throughout the entirety of the show, “…it has always made me and my friends laugh, but recently it has changed from funny, insightful humor to dumb humor that seems too immature for my age group.” The raunchy jokes are simply there to be inappropriate, rather than inappropriate actions being emphasized by jokes. 

 Season three has not changed as much as some do say it has, yet the charm and quirk of the show has gone down heavily. This is partially due to the lack of dramatics surrounding the show, but also it has simply began to emphasize the wrong aspects of the show that made it a “cult following” in the first place.