Should Parents Choose What Career Path Their Child Takes?
As shown in the image, choosing a career path is a difficult decision for many people.
October 22, 2019
Choosing a career is a critical and crucial decision for many people. They struggle to determine whether the choice they make is going to hurt or help their future. Additionally, parents tend to intervene with the decision process and do whatever it takes for their child to take the “ideal” career path. With both the parent and the child trying to choose one future, who should be the one to make the final decision?
If parents choose their child’s career, they will be more supportive of their child’s future. Many parents who have failed their past career goals set them on their children, and seem to relive their aspirations in their child. The parent then does as much as they can to make sure that their child lives the life they wish they could live by overspending on opportunities to ensure success with that career.
Adding on, parents have more experience in the world than their child, and therefore have a better understanding of the right and wrong decisions for career paths. In a parent’s perspective, a child could possibly end up making a bad decision for their future. The parent could act as a guide to make sure that their child makes good life decisions and doesn’t set unrealistic goals for themselves.
However, although parents seem to know everything that will lead to a successful future, the opposite may be true. Children know themselves better than anyone else, including their parents. By choosing their own career paths, children are setting themselves up for a future that they are interested in. Instead of living a monotonous life, they will be enjoying whatever career they choose based on their interests.
Furthermore, children have the right to choose what they want to achieve in the future. Every child has their dream career, and it is up to them if they want to follow their career dreams or not. Piper Guyton (9) agrees with this and says, “Children should choose what they do in the future because it is their life and not the parent’s.” In many cases, children do not want to follow the goals their parents set for them, and if they do, they fail to meet their parents’ expectations.
There are both positive and negative reasons for having a child or their parents choose the child’s career path. However, it is truly up to the child to decide because it is their future and their life. Even if a child’s parents do not support the career choice at first, they will eventually learn to accept it and support the child, because that is what family is for!
Jaxson Ritchie • Feb 27, 2025 at 7:15 AM
No, choose your own path in life is what I believe.
Rishika • Nov 30, 2023 at 7:36 AM
Children should definitely choose their own path. Seriously sick of parents who want to control their kids lives, this is sadly common in a lot of places. Love this article!
Marc • Apr 19, 2022 at 4:43 AM
You did well summarizing a real situation. Success in life can be said to be the result of motivation and preparation. The latter is what will be affected if one growing up cannot align his future with his interests. Later in life, you wonder why so many things went so wrong and realize you’ve been future facked by your caregiver, carrying the burden of his unlived life and seeing his eyes the growing disapointment.
Toeola • Oct 25, 2021 at 3:16 AM
i also agree on the important facts mentioned in this article
Hassan yahaya Ahmad • Sep 24, 2021 at 4:41 AM
It’s not possible to choice a good careers to your son or you should left him to make that decision by himself
Sami • Apr 27, 2021 at 4:06 PM
I agree with all the reasons that you in
you article , great job
Continue !!!
KAYDEN MANDLEY • Mar 31, 2021 at 1:22 PM
Great article, Tiana! I think it is more beneficial for the child to choose their own path for the future rather than relying on their parents to determine it for them.
Kylie de Best • Feb 8, 2021 at 8:54 PM
Though parents may have great advice for their kids, it is kids who truly know themselves best, so they shouldn’t force their kids into something they don’t want to. I really enjoyed reading this and it is something that should be brought up more.
Anita Tun • Dec 10, 2020 at 8:38 AM
I think that children should be able to pick their own career because it is their life after all, loved the article!
Sarah Lemos • Nov 18, 2020 at 7:16 PM
I agree as the parents could pick a field that the child has no way of getting into due to reasons like they can’t excel at that subject. The points you’ve made were truly great.
Joshua Otabil • Feb 17, 2022 at 11:03 AM
yes i think this is a very great job
Nikole galea • Nov 5, 2020 at 1:07 PM
I agree with all the reasons you put out there, and I believe the ideas you expressed in your article were ethical and just. I think this will interest many students who believe that children should choose their own careers. Great job.