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The #1 student news site of Yorba Linda High School

The Wrangler

The TikTok Ban Bill Was Signed, What Happens Next?

The TikTok ban bill was signed in late April of this year. Here’s everything you need to know about what happens next.
(Cato Institute)

Known as a decision that caused a flood of controversy nationwide, President Biden recently signed the TikTok ban bill. This recently approved bill plans to ban the viral social media platform all over the United States unless it is sold by its Chinese owner, ByteDance.

This decision was made because of concerns regarding data privacy, national security, and the influence of foreign-owned tech companies. With these widespread concerns, people are worried about the ramifications of this bill, and numerous TikTok users are taking to social media to show their opposition to this ban.

The bill, formally known as the “TikTok Ban Act, ” was passed by Congress mainly due to apprehension that the Chinese government can use TikTok to access user data, potentially compromising national security. These fears have been ongoing, as there have been past criticisms of the platform’s handling of user data and content moderation practices, shown when former President Trump attempted to ban TikTok in 2020. Supporters of this ban argue that it is necessary to safeguard Americans’ private information from potential surveillance (

On the other hand, the bill has sparked outrage from millions of TikTok users who strongly oppose its ban. Many feel that they have found a sense of community and self-expression through this platform. It is a creative outlet for individuals to connect with others through their talents and interests. Most notably, content creators and influencers fiercely voice their opposition since they argue they make their living off the app. A ban would reduce their income and disrupt their audience engagement and business opportunities. Further, several Americans fear this bill goes against the First Amendment, thus bordering on censorship. Critics argue that this can snowball into government intervention on the internet, which limits free speech.

Veronica Zamora, a parent from YLHS, expresses her worry, saying, “I’m concerned this is crossing a line into censorship, but for now I will be monitoring my child’s use of TikTok”. Her concern, especially for her sixth-grade child, reflects the uncertainty and anxiety of parents across the United States. Even if they are against the ban, their primary concern is their child’s safety. This parental perspective adds another layer of complexity to the debate, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that considers both privacy and security.

I’m concerned this is crossing a line into censorship, but for now I will be monitoring my child’s use of TikTok”

— Veronica Zamora

Though this debate rages on, the act should not be expected to be enforced anytime soon. According to the New York Times, Biden initially gave a deadline for TikTok to be sold within nine months, which could be extended. If this occurs, the sale of TikTok will prove to be another area of difficulty since it will have a small buyer pool. Otherwise, the platform will be banned outright within the United States because of concerns above of espionage and propaganda. TikTok will heavily legally dispute this since they argue it infringes on the First Amendment. All this means that the uncertain outcome of this social media will not be carried out until well into the future. So, in the meantime, TikTok users should expect to use the app as usual.

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About the Contributor
Grecia Chavez
Grecia Chavez, Photojournalist
Grecia Chavez is a sophomore at YLHS and new to the school newspaper. In her free time, she enjoys watching Netflix, listening to music, and hanging out with friends. She is part of the Yorba Linda Women’s Soccer Team. In the future, Grecia hopes to work in the business field. She is very excited to write articles for The Wrangler.

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