Student Spotlight: Cheryl Pham

Cheryl Pham and her fellow ASB students work hard to make posters for the annual rivalry football game against the aztecs.

Amber Reddish, Photojournalist

Here at Yorba Linda High School we have many amazing students who always go above and beyond in every aspect of their lives. One of these students is Cheryl Pham. Cheryl is very involved in her school, community, and home life. She truly exemplifies the ideal high school student with her determination, dedication, and hardwork in everything that she is involved in.

Cheryl is on ASB where she puts in an immense amount of work to make school as fun and enjoyable as possible for the student body. She has a passion for the work she does here. She also frequently volunteers throughout our community, specifically with homeless women. Three days a week she attends a zero period to participate in academic decathlon, as well as being enrolled in numerous AP course. This in itself is a huge time commitment with classes and studying. On top of all of this she is also in a leadership position for Red Cross and is heavily involved in the club.

Besides the abundance of school work, she is involved in track and field. Running has been one of her hobbies for whenever she had time to spare in the day. Cheryl Pham (12) says she “loves running because it allows [her] to escape from her life for awhile and keeps [her] in great shape.” Being involved in a sport is a huge time commitment in itself so it is amazing that she is able to manage her time well enough to be involved in all these different activities and still be so successful.

Although Cheryl laboriously works hard each day whether it comes to her extracurriculars, sports, or even just homework, she tries to maintain her best in every aspect of her life. Outside the school grounds, she completes tasks for volunteer hours, in which this inspires her plan for the future–to  create a charity for homeless women and give them a place to live while they search for jobs. She is not just some super devoted student who says that they have no time for fun with friends or family. Cheryl is always out and about, whether she is at school setting up for an ASB event, at home with her family, hanging out with friends, or studying, she always makes it a point to have a good time and make the most of every situation.