Clubs on Campus

Savannah Pietsch

Stephen Serrano (11) holds up a sign trying to promote his club.

Delaney Pietsch, Photojournalist

YLHS’s club rush took place in the middle of the quad during lunch on September 21 and 22. There were many familiar clubs out during the day, but there were also many brand new ones that were added to the list this year. No matter what interests you, it is almost guaranteed there will be a club on campus that corresponds with what you like to do.

If you missed out on club rush, here is a list and description of what each club on campus offers.

Arts Clubs:

  1. Anime Club– This clubs looks at anime films and evaluates the films itself along with the art in the films.
  2. Art Club– In this club, students evaluate the art made by students along with famous art pieces.
  3. Music Club– The students in this club help spread the love of music to local nursing homes by playing to the elderly. They also give music lessons to kids at local school. If you do not know how to play a sport, do not worry. You can always sing if you are really interested in the club. Text @ylhsmu to 81010 to join music club.
  4. Theater Junkies– Join this club to expand your knowledge on theater.

Science/Medical Clubs:

  1. Leaders of Science– Learn about the importance of science and how science is growing around the world in this club.
  2. Mobile Healthcare– Help spread health care through the world through this club. They meet every month to discuss ways to make healthcare more prominent.
  3. YLHS Medical Want to pursue a career in the medical field, join this club.

Clubs That Help the Community:

  1. 2nd Harvest Help stop hunger across the world in this club.
  2. Aceing Autism– Help raise awareness for autism through this club.
  3. Helping Hands Help the homeless by donating linens through this club.
  4. Hunger Awareness– Help stop hunger in your community by joining this club.
  5. Interact Club  Want to help the elderly, join this club.
  6. Key Club– Want to earn community service hours while helping the community, join Key Club. This club offers over 250 community service projects over the year, all you have to do is get involved.
  7. Mustangs Care Know anyone in the army? Help our veterans out through this club. Mustangs Care meets monthly to make cards and fundraising ideas to help out soldiers in America and overseas.
  8. Mustangs Warriors- Help students and people who are suffering depression and may be thinking of turning to suicide through this club.
  9. NEGU Never Ever Give Up. This club meets monthly to make jars of encouragement for kids with cancer.
  10. Red Cross– This club works along side with the American Red Cross. They try and save lives through blood drives, raising money to vaccinate children in third world countries, help out with health related issues, and help assist anyone in need. If you are interested in this club, text @ to 81010
  11. WE Club– This club’s goal is to work together to create a change around the world by trying to help free people from and help the people in need. If this club interests you text @ylhswec to 81010.

Fashion Clubs:

  1. FIDM– This club’s main focus is to talk about the different majors that FIDM college has. Also, starting this year, at every other meeting each person will participate in a new DIY idea to create the newest things in fashion. If you are interested in fashion or FIDM college, join this club. They meet every other Tuesday in Mrs. Maeder’s classroom. Text @ylhsfidm18 to 81010 if you want to join.
  2. Fashion Club– This club looks at the fashion trends that have been in style, are in style now, and may eventually be in style.

Academic/World Issue Clubs:

  1. FBLA– Future Business Leaders of America according to the president, Emily Remer (12), is a “student run organization that is committed to preparing students to succeed in business leadership.” They meet a few times a month to discuss their community service projects and fundraising events for the school. If you are wanting to be a leader in business, text @ylfbla to 81010.
  2. JSA– Joining this club results in a good way to make new friends and get involved inside and outside of campus. They participate in games, debates, and get the opportunity to attend overnight conventions. If this club interests you, text @6dhg4b to 81010.
  3. PCA Interest in politics and world problems? Join this club and debate about what is going on in society.

Culture/Language Clubs:

  1. Afro Dance– This club meets every other Tuesday to learn the culture and dances of the Afro community. If you would like to join the remind, text @afrodancec to 81010
  2. French Club– This club focuses on the culture and language of France.
  3. German Club  This club focuses on the culture and language of Germany.
  4. Japanese Club  This club focuses on the culture and language of Japan.
  5. Spanish Club–  This club focuses on the culture and language of Spain.

Game/Book Clubs:

  1. Board Game Club– This club meets up each month to enjoy the fading entertainment of board games. If board games is something that you love or miss doing, join this club.
  2. Chess Club– Love the game of chess? Join this club and compete in chess games with students at YLHS.
  3. Muggles of YL If you enjoy the Harry Potter series, this club is meant for you. Come to these meetings to talk and bond over Harry Potter. You may even get the chance to reenact a few of the games played in the novels.
  4. YLHS esports– If online gaming is something that grabs your attention, this club is just for you. Join YLHS esports club to compete in gaming competitions with classmates and other schools.

Religious Clubs:

  1. FCA– Join this club and go to monthly meetings to listen to speakers speak about their story.