The Nightmare Before Homecoming

Homcoming Dance Reveal 2018

Kaitlyn Kame

Homecoming 2018 Poster.

Stephen Serrano, Section Editor

With only four short years in high school, it is important to live it up to its fullest. Some of the major events in high school every year are dances. Specifically, the Homecoming dance is a special night where students gather in the gym to have a great time with their friends at the start of the school year. Homecoming is also accompanied with a football game that invites alumni, families, and other supporters to our home, YLHS, to celebrate the start of the school year, hence the name homecoming. Homecoming is on Saturday, October 20 from 7pm to 10pm.

Each year the student body votes for a male student and a female student to represent their grade level. The ten boys and ten girls are initially voted and they are again voted down to two people for the Homecoming Court. The freshman, sophomore, and junior representatives are crowned princes and princesses. For seniors, they pick four couples and then at the Homecoming game, the Homecoming King and Queen are announced.

During the first week of ticket sales, the theme of the dance is announced during everyone’s third period. This year Mustang Mix produced a video that was played for everyone to see. With much anticipation, students waited to see what the theme is. At the duration of the video, the theme was finally revealed. “The Nightmare Before Homecoming” was named the theme for this year’s dance.

At the dance, students can expect a crazy fun dance floor, with the DJ playing our favorite jams. Long lines for photo booths, crowded areas before getting in, and of course all of your friends will attend and want to have a good time. If you want to take a break, outside of the gym foyer hosts an area that has baked goods, a water refreshment area, places to sit from all the dancing, games, and a place to have fresh air. The night itself will be decked out with all of the spooky decorations put up by ASB. Bags for belongings that you don’t want to carry to the dance floor is also available and run by PTA volunteers. Homecoming will be a memory that will be cherished for years to come.

To participate in this Halloweeny Homecoming Dance, make sure to buy your tickets. Nick Deang (11) is excited for Homecoming because he is “going with one of his good friends and joining a new squad to hangout with.” Tickets are on sale at the finance office for $40 with ASB, $45 without ASB for the week of October 8, and last chance tickets are on sale for $50 cash only for the week of October 15. Get your tickets and come out to this amazing event!