Looks Like Santa Came Early

REUTERS/Ventura County Sheriff Department/Handout via Reuters
November 12, 2014
On October 20, a woman named Genoveva-Nunez Figeuroa gets stuck in a chimney. That’s right folks, you read it right. She got stuck in a chimney. Literally covered in soot and helplessly sitting in the middle of a chimney waiting to be rescued.
The 30 year old woman tried to enter into a man’s house on Sunday, a man she had met online. The man lives in Thousand Oaks, just west of Los Angeles. The man, Lawrence, said that this is not the first time she tried to enter into his house, apparently there were numerous of other times the same woman has tried to enter into the man’s house legally and illegally. “That is so crazy, I can’t believe a woman would go down a chimney of another person’s house!” exclaims Salma Villanueva (11). The odd behavior of illegally trying to enter in the man’s house seem’s to display characteristics of stalking.
When the woman realized she was stuck in the chimney and had no means of getting to and escaping herself, she started to scream desperately for help. Locals heard and called the police to rescue the lady from the chimney.
The 10 firefighters assisting in the rescue operation took two hours trying to rescue her. The firefighters had to take down the brick chimney brick by brick and had to lubricate the walls with dish soap and connect her to straps in order to help the woman, who was 7 feet into the chimney, get out. The fear of the chimney collapsing was also an imminent threat to the woman and the firefighters trying to help the woman out of the chimney.
The woman’s fatal attraction to Lawrence has resulted in the 30 year old woman now facing charges of illegally entry and providing false information to the police officer, which attributed to the misinterpretation of her identity.
Mustangs, it is not a very bright idea to go through someone’s chimney and this is a humorous matter to many, but the danger of stalking is still a very big issue at play. Behind all the humor and audacity and shock of the woman’s delirious deed, lies a very scary and illegal threat. Stalking. If you know anyone who is stalking or is being stalked, call for help. Alert the police or anyone on campus because stalking is a serious issue and can lead to detrimental consequences.