The Demise of the White Northern Rhinos
Saying goodbye to Sudan
Sudan, the world’s last male white northern rhino, has passed away.
The last male rhino has officially died, leaving only two female rhinos as the only living record left of the White Northern Rhino species. Sudan, the world’s last male white northern rhino, was 45 years old. He has been in the public eye for his entire life but towards the end of his life, he was monitored carefully due to the scarcity of the white rhino’s species.
The White Northern Rhino is a subset of the White Rhino species that has been in a critical state for years. With poaching and hunting so prevalent in today’s society, the white northern rhinos’ numbers have been increasingly decreasing. With the death of Sudan in recent news, the only remainder of the species is two white northern rhinos– the daughter and the granddaughter of Sudan– who are the only ones of the species left in the world. While Sudan was still alive, this final trio lived together on a conservancy under heavy protection with armed guards 24/7.
In 1975, Sudan was first captured into captivity from the city of Sudan. He was then taken to Dvůr Králové Zoo in the Czech Republic, before being relocated to the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Laikipia County, Kenya. Sudan was known as a tourist “favorite” and was known to be affectionate and gentle (NPR). Just last April, the Conservancy held a fundraiser to bring awareness to his species with a partnership with Tinder, the online-dating app.
Despite his passing, scientists are hoping to regrow the specie’s population through a potential development called IVF, which involves artificial fertilization. Before Sudan passed away, scientists took samplings of his sperm, which they plan to use for implanting in female rhinos in order to repopulate the white northern rhino species. To do this, however, IVF needs to first be fully developed to ensure the safety and thoroughness of the plan.
The unfortunate death of Sudan– the last male Northern White Rhino in the world– is a testament to the negligence of humans. Tyler Padgett (11) finds the situation “disappointing in how so many people are poaching animals and that it led to this.” With the constant exploitation of animals, including poaching and hunting, no species are exempt from the possibility of going extinct. The number of species that are endangered or extinct is way larger than it should be, and all of mankind should stay conscientious of their decisions in order to establish a future with an abundance of thriving animals.

Mabel Ra is a current senior at Yorba Linda High School. As she approaches her last year at YLHS, she has notably dedicated her time to the Wrangler Newspaper...