“One Small Girl”; Student Spotlight: Anjolie Jang
Anjolie volunteering with Rainbow Family Incorporation (left). Anjolie’s Girl Scout Troop after selling Girl Scout cookies (middle). Anjolie plays her viola for Christmas at a nursing home (right).
May 27, 2017
In the outside community, hearing the name Anjolie Jang (9) does not sound familiar, but is synonymous as a respectful leader and popular friend to many. A freshman here at YLHS, Anjolie is surrounded by many school activities and extracurriculars. Now a Senior Girl Scout, Anjolie does many charitable actions for those less fortunate in our community. Also a part of the dance program, Orchestra, Key Club, Red Cross, Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) Student Leadership, California Scholarship Federation (CSF), and enrolled in numerous honors classes, she strives to major in the medical field or in education.
Fairly close to Anjolie, she is shown to be kind, hard working, independent, smart, loving, and understanding to everyone around her. These qualities are said to be credited to Girl Scouts. In Girl Scouts, she loves to serve the community any way possible. If it was a small action or an immense action, Anjolie cannot get enough satisfaction of helping someone out. Anjolie expresses, “Girl Scouts has taught me to be aware of my surroundings and to have thick skin while being compassionate to all.”
On school grounds, Anjolie conveys her artistic abilities in the dance program and in Orchestra. Playing the viola since the fifth grade, she believes that music is one of the best stress reliefs. Currently, she is third chair and is excelling in the challenging music. Additionally, Anjolie is involved in the dance program. In beginning dance, Anjolie loves to express herself through dance. She firmly presumes that dance is the best outlet to have fun while getting in a workout.
Surrounding herself by more extracurriculars, Anjolie participates in Key Club and Red Cross. Anjolie asserts that “clubs, in general, help you get involved here at YLHS. Without joining a club or going to dances, there will be nothing to look back on in years to come.”
To top it all off, she is enrolled in many honors classes, making her a well-rounded and talented student. Putting in her 100% effort in each class, Anjolie believes education is the top priority. The hours of exertion pay off in the end because she scores very high on her report card. “I think that school should be above every extracurricular activity. Education is the most important thing in our society nowadays. Being well-educated will get you to your dreams,” Anjolie comments.
In the end, Anjolie is a loving, well-rounded student that goes above and beyond the expectation. When asked what he thought about Anjolie, Ryan Bui (9) says, “Anjolie is one of the smartest and sincerest people I know. She is short, but has a voice.” Even when life is rough, Anjolie exhibits that one small girl can make a huge difference in our community.