Getting Ready for Women’s Basketball Season

making a basket; photo courtesy of

Bita Zadeh, Photojournalist

Women’s basketball season is almost here and that means the girls are working with all they’ve got. They have been pushing themselves since the summer, training all the time, and hoping to be the best that they can be.


A new year means a new team and some girls could handle it and others couldn’t.. Making the team means a lot of hard work. The girls practice from June to August 5 days a week, 2 hours a day, and 2 games per week. When school starts in November, after the team is made, the girls work on cardio and work out in the gym to get prepared. This isn’t for everyone, but the ones that tried their hardest, played their best, and had the best attitudes were the ones that were right for the team. Tryouts were held in the beginning of November with Coach Ikemoto. After these players were chosen, the new team started right away with 2 hour practices each day.


The women’s basketball team has been working to their full potential and are ready for the season to come. Their coach is satisfied with the students’ abilities and believes that they have a good chance at performing well in league. The pre season has only just begun and already they are ready to crush it against every other school.


Women’s basketball at YLHS has always had an amazing team where all the girls have great leadership, partnership, and skill towards the sport. This year’s basketball team is made of close-knit girls. Every year when a new team is formed, it seems like the girls might not get along, but “this team is full of chemistry and talent which makes it great to work together,” said Shelby Emami (12). Everyone has something special to offer so the girls are very excited to see how the season goes.


As the team is getting ready to have another winning season, there is definitely more pressure being pushed onto them. Their coach is getting tougher and they are sweating in the weight room and on the courts for hours, but everything will be worth it when they win a league championship.

Women’s basketball will be occurring throughout these next couple of months. There will be many exciting games, not only for the girls to play in, but to attend. Come out to a game to show support and Mustang pride for our Lady Mustangs!