(Photo Courtesy of Twitter)
It is almost half way through April. College applications have been submitted almost five months ago, yet it now feels as if it were a lifetime ago. The last admission decisions were updated by April 1st. The question now becomes, what is next for the seniors?
Throughout high school, and especially during the past year and a half, the large focus of many conversations has been on college applications and the likelihood of each person getting into the school of their dreams. However, the focus now has shifted. There is no longer any pressure to impress colleges or showcase your talents and plead your case to the unemotional admissions officers. Now, there is only one question left: which college will you commit to? The first question on many people’s minds and the first words that leave their mouths when they encounter a senior is always: “Do you know where you’re going yet?” This loaded decision will leave an indelible impact on your future. It is not simply a split-second decision that can come about with the flip of the coin. Here are now some important deadlines and processes for the college bound seniors.
The commitment deadline for the majority of colleges is May 1st by 11:59 P.M. However, housing applications are also due this day as well. So, another issue weighing on seniors’ minds is who are they now going to live with? A friend? Or a stranger? Are they going to room in the residence halls or in the bigger, but more expensive, plazas or suites? College admission decisions and the anticipation that comes with these decisions are no longer there, but there are instead now several more questions that every senior must answer within the next month. Kaila Labrador (12), who recently committed to UC Berkeley, states that, “I’m so excited to be a Bear. I can’t wait to start my future and grow on my own as a person. There are still some things I need to figure out, but they do not in any way detract from how excited I am.”
So Seniors, although there may be a very confusing and difficult road ahead as you all decide where you are going to spend the next several years of your life, never forget the joy and excitement that comes with going to college. What’s next for this year’s graduating class? Only an endless amount of possibilities.