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There are over 4 thousand practiced religions all over the world.
Religion is one of the most diverse and celebrated subjects in the world. People have adapted to religion over many generations, and now there are multiple ways people interpret religion. It’s something that has played a major role in society and in the way people have viewed the world in its entirety. “I personally love learning about different religions and how that ties into different people’s culture” (Jeanelle Wu 10).” So, here are some religions that are practiced across the world.
To begin, the Druze community in the Middle East is considered to be a minority in Israel. They are officially recognized as their own separate religious entity, meaning that they have their own jurisdiction and culture when it comes to personal status that’s unique to them. There are one million Druze living across the globe, but they are mainly in Syria and Lebanon. Their faith is a new interpretation of three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Druze are a closed religion, meaning they don’t accept converts because of their belief that everyone is reincarnated from someone else. They are also against the idea that in order to be forgiven by God or show your love for Them, you must perform rituals and ceremonies. They believe that all this does is make you repeat your sins, not earn forgiveness. Instead, they believe that one should always maintain their spiritual reckoning with God, which is why they have no fixed holy holidays, special days of fasting, or other set religious days. (https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/history-and-overview-of-the-israeli-druze)
Next is the religion of Shinto, which is a religion native to Japan and the Japanese people. Similar to Hinduism, there are no set rules or texts that outline the beliefs of this religion, there is also no push to convert others to Shinto. It’s fluidity and flexibility is believed to be why it’s survived for so long and is the oldest religion in Japan. The topics they value are simple ones:, family, purity, respect, and subordination of the individual. Considering that Shinto is native to Japan, these concepts are interwoven in Japanese culture and beliefs. (https://www.worldhistory.org/Shinto/).
Following Shinto is the religion of Baháʼí, the world’s newest major religion. It was founded in Iraq, and despite the heavy persecution it faces, it has made its way around the world. The customs this religion is based upon is the idea that it is essential for humans and their religions to unite. They opt to overcome the disunity different religions cause and establish one universal faith. They also believe that it’s their duty to get rid of all social issues such as prejudice, race, class, and ethnicity. The people of this religion are simply opting for a social revolution where hate has been extinguished. (https://www.britannica.com/topic/Bahai-Faith)