3 kids who are homeschooled doing their homework.
This year, I switched to an online alternative to schooling through Parkview, an independent studies school in our district. At first, I was hesitant to switch because I would be leaving all my friends, but I soon realized how much I truly enjoyed independent studies.
My average day usually starts around 8 am (or 6:30 am if I have newspaper class). I get ready and eat breakfast, and I start on a subject. My courses are through a website called Apex Learning, and I have textbooks through which I also have guidance. For AP classes, I prepared through Apex and my textbooks. Yet, it is very easy to get distracted on my phone when I don’t have a teacher to watch me do my work.
Sophia Jones (10) explains that “As a student who is concurrent at Yorba Linda but also goes to Parkview, I find that it is easier to finish all my work, and I can always catch up if I am behind or if I want I can even get ahead.”
There are many pros and cons to independent studies; some are obvious, while others aren’t.
Some pros are that you get to wake up later than you would for school. There is also more free time to enjoy time with loved ones and friends. Many people do not enjoy being away from their friends when they do independent studies, and I will admit it’s hard to adjust, but I feel like it makes hanging out with friends even more exciting after not seeing them for a few days. Another pro of independent learning is more time to prioritize yourself. Self-care is important, and many high schoolers who become busy with classes and extracurriculars like sports or volunteering often lose sight of that.
Yet there are also cons to independent studies, such as the possibility of not getting anything done. With homeschooling, there is a lot of independence to be learned. At the beginning of the year, I had a poor work ethic and did start to fall behind slightly. Yet, instead of sinking into work, I rose to the occasion and learned how to properly manage my time effectively. Another common con is not being able to stay in touch with friends. Oftentimes, not being able to talk to your friends and relate to them about school can be hard because, a lot of the time, conversations may revolve around school. Yet, it does not mean you will never be friends with your friends again. There are other topics besides school and other topics to relate to friends with.
Overall, the switch to independent studies was a tough one, but I feel like it benefited me in ways I never thought were possible.