Tech Takes Over

Photo courtesy of Google Images
Yeah, technology took over this guy

Photo courtesy of Google Images Yeah, technology took over this guy

Tulsi Kardani, Photojournalist

The number one advancement in today’s society is technology. Everyday there are new discoveries on how to advance technology and make it efficient. As society progresses, some might say that technology is getting better whereas some might say it’s getting worse. In a recent board of education meeting, parents shared their concerns about technology advancing in schools. A controversy regarding the school technology has arisen making many people question the education system.


At a New York state elementary school, teachers are using a program called Behavior Monitoring App, to compile information on students’ negative or positive behaviors and attitudes. A high school in Georgia uses a biometric identification system to let students pay for lunch by scanning the palms of their hands at the checkout line. Across the country athletes share contact information and game locations through social media. All these concerns are causing parents to worry about technology building a business in the education system. Technology companies are collecting a vast amount of information about students, touching every corner of their educational lives without control on where that information is going. Students who live in the West Coast are receiving college letters from across the country that state they have all the information about the student and believe that the program he or she wants to enroll in is great at their colleges. Such scenarios worry many parents about their kid’s personal information being exchanged across the country. Some parents believe that even though it is for educational purposes, technology should not be taking over!


As some parents oppose against technology, other parents are stating that because of technology, the education system is advancing. Alyssa Hosford (12) believes, “Technology is something that is never ending! As we progress, the technology field is going to advance with it. It is not possible to live in a society where technology is the only source, so if schools use the old school style how are students supposed to adjust to it?” Nowadays, there are many online courses, classes, etc for students to access. Schools are able to store information and grades of students on databases which are easily retrieved when needed. Many schools, students and parents are able to access grades, information, easy contact  teachers, assignments, etc., all from home . For example, with Aeries, students and parents are able to check and maintain students grades without the hassle of calling teachers or setting up parent meetings to check on grades. Harshal Vaza (10) states, “Advanced technology is benefiting more people than harming!” We have all experienced how easy it is for us to go on Google and look for an answer than go through books flipping pages. Technology is a lifestyle, and it is not something you can revert back from.”


Out of all the high schools in the district, Yorba Linda High School has the most updated and advanced technology. The smartboards and equipment in some of the Fine Art classes such as Photography and Video Production are advancements that other schools do not have. As Mustangs do we believe that advanced technology should be incorporated in our education system? Let your opinion also be considered by taking the survey poll below!